Congratulations to all our faculty members who will be presenting at American Historical Association 134th annual meeting in January in New York City!
- Dr. Elizabeth Bishop will be presenting on the panel Gendered Bodies in Times of Revolution: Representation and Reality in Comparative Contexts
Dr. Sarah Coleman will be presenting her paper “To Reward the Wrong Way Is Not the American Way”: Welfare, Immigrants’ Rights, and the Battle over Benefits” on the panel Shifting the Boundaries of Inclusion: Immigrant Rights in the 20th-Century United States
- Dr. José Carlos de la Puente will be chairing the panel Toward a Global Indigenous Legal History: Agency, Intelligibility, and the Ethics of Representation, and will be commenting on the panel Inca Girls and Women: Interdisciplinary Approaches
Dr. Shannon E. Duffy will be presenting her paper “Using the Newspapers of Harbottle Dorr to Explore Revolutionary Boston” on the panel Teaching Historical Methods and Imagining the Archives, Part 2
- Dr. Jessica Pliley will be presenting her paper “The Limits of Feminism: Sex Workers’ Rights and the Reemergence of Female Sexual Slavery, 1974–85” on the panel Revisiting Trafficking Narratives and Sexual Danger in 20th-Century Europe and the Americas
- Dr. Louie Dean Valencia-García will be presenting his paper “Democracy, HIV/AIDS, and the Rise of the European Union” on the panel AIDS and the State, and will be commenting on the panel Tolerating Totalitarianism: Why Did the Franco Dictatorship Survive?